
2021: `The Santa Cruz Sluicing Dataset'
with Pranav Anand and
Dan Hardt.
Language 97.1.
2019: `Prosody, Focus, and Ellipsis in Irish', with Ryan Bennett and Emily Elfner, Language 95: 66106.
2017: Cnuasach ChlĂ©ire, Breandan Ó Buachalla, ed. James McCloskey and Cathal Goan, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. More information available here.
2017: `Object Positions (in Irish),' in A Schrift to Fest Kyle Johnson, available here.
2017: `Resumption,' in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Syntax, 2nd Edition, Volume V1:3809-3838, ed. Martin Everaert and Henk C. Van Riemsdijk, editors, John Wiley and Sons.
2017: `Ellipsis, Polarity, and the Cartography of Verb-Initial Orders in Irish,' in Elements of Comparative Syntax: Theory and Description, Enoch Aboh, ed. Eric Haeberli, Genoveva Puskás, Manuela Schönenberger, De Gruyter: 99151.
2017: `New Thoughts on Old QuestionsResumption in Irish,' in Asking the Right Questions: Essays in Honor of Sandra Chung, ed. Jason Ostrove, Ruth Kramer and Joseph Sabbagh: pp 81102. Available here.
2016: `Lightest to the Right: An Apparently Anomalous Displacement in Irish,' with Ryan Bennett and Emily Elfner, Linguistic Inquiry 47: 169234.
2015: `Pronouns and Prosody in Irish,' with Emily Elfner and Ryan Bennett, in Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Celtic Studies (Maynooth 2011), ed. Liam Breatnach, Ruairí Ó hUiginn, Damian MacManus, and Katharine Simms, Dublin: Institute for Advanced Studies: 1974.
2015: `Annotating the Implicit Content of Sluices,' with Pranav Anand, in LAW IX, The 9th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, co-located with NAACL, June 2015, in Denver Colorado
2014: `Irish Existentials in Context.' Syntax 17: 343384.
2011: `The Shape of Irish Clauses,' in Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics, ed. Andrew Carnie, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 143178.
2011: `Sluicing(:) Between Structure and Inference,' with Sandra Chung and William Ladusaw, in Gutiérrez-Bravo, Rodrigo, Line Mikkelsen and Eric Potsdam (2011) Representing Language: Essays in Honor of Judith Aissen. California Digital Library eScholarship Repository. Linguistic Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz. 3150
2010: `Syntax,' in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences, ed. Patrick Colm Hogan, Cambridge University Press, 822828.
2010: `Impersonals in Irish and Beyond,' in Gerdts, Donna B., John C. Moore, and Maria Polinsky, eds. 2010. Hypothesis A/Hypothesis B: Linguistic Explorations in Honor of David M. Perlmutter. Current Studies in Linguistics 49. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press: 323344.
2008: `Irish as a World Language,' in Why Irish?, Brian Ó Conchubhar and Breandán Ó Buachalla, eds., Arlen House and Syracuse University Press.
2007: `On the Relationship of Typology to Theoretical Syntax,' with Mark Baker, Linguistic Typology 11: 285296.
2007: `The Grammar of Autonomy in Irish,' Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 25: 825857.
2006: `Questions and Questioning in a Local English,' in Crosslinguistic Research in Syntax and Semantics: Negation, Tense, and Clausal Architecture, Raffaella Zanuttini, Héctor Campos, Elena Herburger, Paul H. Portner, eds., Georgetown University Press: 87126.
2006: `Déantús an Chlásail i gCanúintí na Nua-Ghaeilge,' in Aistí ar an Nua-Ghaeilge - in ómós do Bhreandán Ó Buachalla ed. Siobhán Ní Laoire, Cois Life, Dublin.
2006: `Resumption,' in The Blackwell Companion to Syntax,' Martin Everaert and Henk van Riemsdijk, eds., Blackwell Publishing: 94117.
2005: `Predicates and Heads in Irish Clausal Syntax,' in Verb First: On the Syntax of Verb-Initial Languages, Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley, Sheila Ann Dooley, eds., John Benjamins: 155174.
2003: `Working on Irish,' GLOT 7.3: 6372.
2002: `Resumption, Successive Cyclicity, and the Locality of Operations,' in Derivation and Explanation, Samuel Epstein and Daniel Seeley, eds., Blackwell Publishers: 184226.
2001: `On the Distribution of Subject Properties in Irish,' in Objects and Other Subjects, William D. Davies and Stanley Dubinsky, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers: 157192.
2001: `The Morphosyntax of WH-extraction in Irish,' Journal of Linguistics 37: 67100.
2001: Voices Silenced/Guthanna in Éag, Cois Life: Dublin. [102pp]
2000: `Quantifier Float and Wh-Movement in an Irish English,' Linguistic Inquiry 31: 5784.
1999: `On the Right Edge in Irish,' Syntax 2: 189209.
1998: `Trí Nóta Comhréire,' Ériu 49: 165169.
1997: `Subjecthood and Subject Positions,' in Elements of Grammar, Liliane Haegeman, ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers: 197235.
1997: `Guthanna in Éag,' Irish Times. Wednesday May 7th.
1997: `A Global Silencing,'Poetry Ireland Review 52: 4147.
1997: `Progress in Irish?' in Dán do Oide, a Memorial Volume for Conn Ó Cléirigh, Anders Ahlqvist and Vera Capkova, eds., Linguistics Institute of Ireland.
1996: `On the Scope of Verb Movement in Irish,' Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 14: 47104.
1996: `Subjects and Subject Positions in Irish,' in The Syntax of The Celtic LanguagesA Comparative Perspective, Robert Borsley and Ian Roberts, eds., Cambridge University Press: 241283.
1996: `Nótaí Comhréire,' Ériu 46: 159164.
1995: `Sluicing and Logical Form,' (with Sandra Chung and William Ladusaw) Natural Language Semantics 3: 239282.
1994: `Chomsky's 1962 Program for Linguistics: A Retrospective,' with S. R. Anderson, S. Chung and F. Newmeyer, in C. Otero, ed., Noam Chomsky: Critical Assessments (Volume One), Routledge: 691707.
1993: `Constraints on Syntactic Processes,' in Joachim Jacobs, Arnim von Stechow, Wolfgang Sternefeld and Theo Venneman, eds., SYNTAX: Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung, Walter de Gruyter: Berlin and New York: 496506.
1993: `A crude test for unaccusativity in English,' Syntax At Santa Cruz, Volume 2, ed. by Geoffrey K. Pullum and Eric Potsdam, 2124, Santa Cruz, California: Linguistics Research Center.
1991: `Control,' in International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, William Bright editor in chief, Oxford University Press: 304306.
1991: `Clause Structure, Ellipsis and Proper Government in Irish,' Lingua 85: 259302.
1991: `There, It and Agreement,' Linguistic Inquiry 22: 563567.
1991: `Coordination and Agreement in Old Irish,' in A Festschrift for William Shipley, J. Hankamer and S. Chung, eds., Syntax Research Center, UC Santa Cruz 105114.
1990: `Resumptive Pronouns, Ã-Binding and Levels of Representation in Irish,' in The Syntax of the Modern Celtic Languages ed. Randall Hendrick, Volume 23 of Syntax and Semantics, Academic Press: 199248.
1988: `Control and A-Chains in Modern Irish,' with P. Sells, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 6: 143189.
1988: `Syntactic Theory,' in F. Newmeyer, ed., Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey, Vol. 1: 1859, Cambridge University Press.
1987: `Government, Barriers and Small Clauses in Modern Irish,' with S. Chung, Linguistic Inquiry 18: 173237.
1986: `Inflection and Conjunction in Modern Irish,' Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 4: 245281.
1986: Review of N. Chomsky: Lectures on Government and Binding, in Journal of Symbolic Logic 50: 238240.
1986: `Right Node Raising and Preposition Stranding,' Linguistic Inquiry 17: 183186.
1985: `Case, Movement and Raising in Modern Irish,' in J. Goldberg, S. MacKaye and M. Wescoat, eds., WCCFL Vol. 4: Proceedings of the Fourth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Stanford Linguistics Association, 190205.
1985: `The Modern Irish Double Relative and Syntactic Binding,' Ériu 36: 4584.
1984: `Raising, Subcategorization and Selection in Modern Irish,' Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 1: 441485.
1984: `On the Syntax of Person-Number Inflection in Modern Irish,' with K. Hale, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 1: 487533.
1983: `On the Interpretation of Certain Island Facts in GPSG,' with S. Chung, Linguistic Inquiry 14: 704713.
1983: `The Syntax of Inflection in Modern Irish,' with K. Hale, NELS XIII: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistics Society, Montréal, Canada, GLSA, Department of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 173190.
1983: `String-Vacuous Rule-Application,' with G. N. Clements, J. Maling, and A. Zaenen, Linguistic Inquiry 14: 117.
1983: `A VP in a VSO Language?' in G. Gazdar, E. Klein and G. Pullum, eds., Order, Concord and Constituency, Foris Publications, 955.
1980: `Is There Raising in Modern Irish?' Ériu 31: 5999.
1980: `Modern Irish Verbal Nouns and the VP-Complement Analysis,' Linguistic Analysis, 6: 345357.
1979: Transformational Syntax and Model Theoretic Semantics: A Case-Study in Modern Irish, D. Reidel, Dordrecht and Boston.
1978: A Fragment of a Grammar of Modern Irish, PhD thesis, published as Texas Linguistic Forum 11.
1978: `Stress and Syntax in Old Irish Compound Verbs,' Texas Linguistic Forum 10: 5871.
1977: `An Acceptable Ambiguity in Modern Irish,' Linguistic Inquiry 8: 604609.
1976: `Conditions on Transformations in Modern Irish,' in J. Kegl, D. Nash and A. Zaenen, eds., NELS VII: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistics Society, MIT.