
Available here are some recent papers, along with some papers and handouts that might not be so easily accessible in the normal ways.
2023: `Polarity Sensitivity and Fragments in Irish'
To appear in a volume to be published
by Language Science Press
in their new Current Issues in Celtic Linguistics series.
2023: `Clefts in Irish and the Syntactic Articulation of Discourse Structure'
This is the verbose handout from a talk presented on June 9th 2023 to the Conference on
the Linguistics of the Gaelic Languages organized by the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin.
2022: `The Syntax of Irish Gaelic'
Draft of a chapter for a volume (in preparation) on Celtic Languages and Linguistics to be published by
2022: `The Domain of Formal Matching in Sluicing' (to appear in Linguistic Inquiry)
with Pranav Anand and
Dan Hardt.
2005/2021: `Predicates and Heads in Irish Clausal Syntax'
This is a revised and expanded version of a paper which appeared originally in 2005
in the volume Verb First edited by Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley and Sheila Dooley
2020: `The Santa Cruz Sluicing Dataset'
with Pranav Anand and
Dan Hardt.
In Language 97.1.
2019:`Prosody, Focus, and Ellipsis in Irish'
with Ryan Bennett
and Emily Elfner
Pre-publication version of a paper published in Language 95: 66106.
2017: `Object Positions (in Irish)'
This paper appears in A Schrift to Fest Kyle Johnson, which is available
2017: `Ellipsis, Polarity, and the Cartography of Verb-Initial Orders in Irish'
This is a pre-publication version of a paper which has now appeared in
a festschrift for Liliane Haegeman: Elements of Comparative Syntax:
Theory and Description, edited by
Enoch Aboh,
Eric Haeberli,
Genoveva Puskás and
Manuela Schönenberger,
De Gruyter Mouton: pp 99151.
To appear in the revised and updated edition of the
Syntax Companion.
This is a completely re-written and expanded version of the
original chapter and replaces it.
2016: `Observations and Speculations on Resumption (in Irish)'
This is a revised and expanded version of a paper which appeared originally in a
festschrift for Sandy Chung, edited by Jason Ostrove, Joey Sabbagh and Ruth Kramer and
available here.
2016: `Interpretation and the Typology of Head Movement: A Reassessment'
The handout for a presentation at
the Workshop
on the Status of Head Movement in Linguistic Theory, Stanford
University, September 16th and 17th 2016.
2015:`Annotating the Implicit Content of Sluices'
This is the first publication to have emerged from
the Santa Cruz Ellipsis Project.
Presented at LAW IX,
The 9th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, co-located with
NAACL, June 2015, in Denver Colorado.
2014:`Irish Existentials in Context'
This is a major re-working of a paper previously available here
under the title Irish Existentials. This version supersedes all
previous versions. It was accepted for publication in Syntax in March 2012 and was published there late in 2014.
2011:`Inflection and Silent Arguments in Irish'
The handout for another talk given in a number of places in recent
years. This version was presented at CASTL, Tromsø, in September 2011.
2011:`The Shape of Irish Clauses'
In Formal Approaches to Celtic Linguistics, ed. Andrew Carnie, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
2011:`Sluicing(:) Between Structure and Inference'
With Sandy Chung and Bill Ladusaw. In Gutiérrez-Bravo, Rodrigo, Line Mikkelsen and Eric Potsdam (2011)
Representing Language: Essays in Honor of Judith Aissen. California
Digital Library eScholarship Repository. Linguistic Research Center,
University of California, Santa Cruz. 3150.
2008:`Irish as a World Language'
This is the written version of a talk presented at
the seminar Why Irish? held at Notre Dame University
on September 30th, 2005.
Now in a volume of the same name:
Why Irish?,
Brian Ó Conchubhar and Breandán Ó Buachalla,
eds., Arlen House and Syracuse University Press.
2006: `Questions and Questioning in a Local English,' in
Crosslinguistic Research in Syntax and Semantics: Negation, Tense, and Clausal Architecture,
Raffaella Zanuttini, Héctor Campos, Elena Herburger, Paul
H. Portner, eds., Georgetown University Press: 87126.
Around 1992 I circulated a working paper called Adjunction, Selection, and Embedded Verb Second.
The paper made available here (in pre-publication form) is the revised and official version of the 1992 working paper.
I no longer own a version of its ancestor.
2006:`Déantús an Chlásail i gCanúintí na Nua-Ghaeilge'
In Aistí ar an Nua-Ghaeilge - in ómós do Bhreandán Ó Buachalla
ed. Siobhán Ní Laoire, Cois Life, Dublin.
2003:`Working on Irish'
Published in the much lamented GLOT newsletter (7.3: 6372).
2000:`Reciprocals, Parts, and Wholes'
In the The Jorge Hankamer Web Fest.
1998:`Trí Nóta Comhréire'
Ériu 49: 165169.
Varia and Ephemera
Below are some older papers which were never intended for formal publication in anything much like their current form. They are made available in the hope that they might be useful or interesting.
`A Language at the Edge; Irish and the Theory of Grammar,' The text (lightly revised and edited) for a talk prepared for presentation at the UNC Linguistics Colloquium, March 24th 2007.
`The Prosody of Quantifier Float under WH-Movement in West Ulster English,' Originally part of a paper published in Linguistic Inquiry, but excised for reasons of length.
`Irish Nominal Syntax 1: Demonstratives.' An initial exploration of the syntax of demonstrative expressions in Irish.
`Mutation and Innovation in Northern Irish.' The morphophonology of irregular verbs in Irish, and an argument that learners of a language postulate underlying forms for members of a paradigm which correspond to no pronounced form.
`Unravelling the Threads,' The text of a talk (lightly revised and edited) presented to the annual meeting of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL) held at Trinity College Dublin on December 7th 2004.